
Powershell | Transfer file into VM

Hi Guys,

I hope that this post will help many because everyone once in their career might encounter this issue.

The issue is, "RDP for this VM is not working\allowed, how can I transfer this file into this VM". I have seen many guys facing this issue, So, below is the solution

#start here
$VC = Read-Host "Enter the IP address\fqdn of vCenter server"
Connect-VIServer $VC

Write-Host "Enter the requested info please" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Function Collectdata{
Write-Host "Enter the path of source file. For example, C:\temp\transferfile.txt"
$source = Read-Host "Enter the path here"
Write-Host "Enter the destination folder in VM where you want to copy above file. For example, C:\temp"
$dest = Read-host "enter the destination folder path here"
$VM = Read-Host "Enter the VM Name"
$user = Read-Host "Enter the username"
$pass = Read-Host "enter password" -AsSecureString
Write-Host "Thanks to provide all the required info. Tell me the desired action" -ForegroundColor Green
Function DRSCTransfer {
echo "Press 1 to transfer the file"
$choice = read-host "Enter your choice here "
if ($choice -eq 1){transfer}


Function transfer {
Get-Item "$source " | Copy-VMGuestFile -force -Destination "$dest" -VM $VM -LocalToGuest -GuestUser $user -GuestPassword $pass


#end here

Do try this and let me know if any issue.

Thank you,
Team vCloudNotes


  1. Just pre-requisite is, VMware tools must be installed and updated.

  2. This is the type of information I’ve long been trying to find. Thank you for writing this information. share files
