NSX | When and why we need to redeploy NSX edge?

Hi Guys,

So, Edge or ESG (Edge service Gateway) is component of NSX which provide services from L3-L7  that is from routing to load-balancing.

I have seen few cases where communication was impacted between the VMs on either side of ESG. For example, VM in SITE A and VM in SITE B is not pinging with each other and there is a actual outage.

And I checked I found no changes were made in physical network as well in NSX environment. Also, ESG any interface's IP was not reachable but there were no visible errors. In most of the case, if there is any health issues with ESG then it highlights and recommend to redeploy (For example, API requests are failing or ESG is not responding to health monitor) but in some cases, it neither show any error nor give any recommendation but all of sudden it went into unreachable state (Of course due to some reasons) but unidentified.

Please note that you will find VMware KBs on most of the issues where it is known that it needs to redeploy but always keep in mind the situation I am here talking about.

In those cases, we sometime have to redeploy the edge. Ideally it is 2-3 minutes of task but it depends upon your environment. I have seen it completing in 30-40 minutes also :)

In order to redeploy an edge, you just need to

Step 1: login vCenter server from WebClient
Step 2: Go to "Networking and Security" page
Step 3: Click on NSX edges
Step 4: Search edge with edge-ID or any other info you might have
Step 5: Download tech support bundle for that edge
Step 6: Right click and select redeploy

Alternatively, you can use below powershell command to redeploy the edge.

#Start here
#This script will help you to target and redeploy multiple edges which you will specify by putting a list in C:\Temp folder

$nsx = Read-host "NSXManager IP address"
connect-nsxserver -nsxserver $nsx

#place a list of edges in notepad file in C:\Temp with name edgelist.csv

foreach($edgelist in (Get-Content -Path C:\TEMP\edgelist.csv))
   Get-NSXedge -objectId $edgelist | Repair-NSXedge -Operation redeploy -Confirm:$false

#End here

In case, you want to continue, in case of any error then add -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Command will be as shown below-

#Start here
#This script will help you to target and redeploy multiple edges which you will specify by putting a list in C:\Temp folder

$nsx = Read-host "NSXManager IP address"
connect-nsxserver -nsxserver $nsx

#place a list of edges in notepad file in C:\Temp with name edgelist.csv (Don't give the source as .txt)

foreach($edgelist in (Get-Content -Path C:\TEMP\edgelist.csv))
   Get-NSXedge -objectId $edgelist | Repair-NSXedge -Operation redeploy -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#End here

Thank you,

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