All about NSX-T

I got very very awesome way to learn NSX-T so I just wanted to share with you guys.

I erased all the content of my previous postbecause duplicating the text is not smart way and specially if it is already written in better way and by VMware.

Just browse below link, login with your VMware account credentials (if you have already sign-up otherwise you need to sign-up first) and start exploring NSX-T because future is T.

Keep up the pace guys..

Thank you,
Team vCloudNotes

NSX | Deny vs Reject

In NSX, while configuring firewall rules in Edge or in DFW, you might have noticed that there are three option while choosing any action for any incoming or outgoing packet.

In DFW - it is Allow, Block and Reject
In ESG - it is Accept, Deny and Reject

Reject action sends following responses-

  • RST packet for TCP Connection
  • ICMP unreachable with network administratively prohibited code

Deny action silently drops packet from or to the specified source and destination. For example, RTO.

Feel free to ask any question folks.

Thank you,
Team vCloudNotes

NSX | What happens when.....

Since last few days, I was getting lots of questions like what happens when host down, control VM down or a controller down etc.

Then I thought to list down all the cases but fortunately I found below VMware article which explain well about it.

I hope you too will like it.

Thank you,
Team vCloudNotes

vROPS | How to get list of VMs with connected ISO files

Below vROPS view will help you to get a report having name of all those VMs which have connected CD-ROM and .iso file attached.

This solution was given to one of the team who was struggling to find some way to have this kind of report. 

Step 0: Login vROPS
Step 1: Browse vROPS to create a view
Step 2: Give it Name --> Presentation as "List" --> Subject as "Virtual machine" --> You can select Data as "Parent vCenter, Name and vcenter etc."
Step 3: Now go to Filter button as shown in below image and configure as shown

Now simply save the View and use it as you want.

False: Means this view will show all VM which has connected CD-ROM drive
True: Means VM where CD-ROM drive is disconnected

One issue can be there that you might not see snipped option\metric for "Configuration|Security|Disconnected CD-ROM" because in some cases, it is not default activated and need to enable manually from vROPS policy.

That's the topic for another post "How to enable any metric in vROPS".

Let me know if you need any clarification\further suggestion or if you face any issue during the view creation. I will surly help you out.

Thank you,
Team vCloudNotes

vCenter | Change Power Management Policy on all ESXi hosts

Hi Guys,

To know in detail about Host Power Management Policy, click here. In short, in production environment, it should be "High Performance" otherwise many issue may arise like latency while backing up a VM or VM was not responding between interval of time etc. So, if it is "Balanced" then it could be one of the reason. Right now, login your vCenter and check the power management policy and change it if it is not the appropriate one.

Now, if you are changing this policy on hundreds of host then doing it manually can be a headache. Let use Powershell to get it done in a minute.

#Start here

Connect-VIServer #of course to connect VC
$view = (Get-VMHost | Get-View)
(Get-View $view.ConfigManager.PowerSystem).ConfigurePowerPolicy(x)

#End here

in above commad ".ConfigurePowerPolicy(x)" is as below

x= 1 ; for High Performance
x=2  ; for Balance

x=3  ; for Low Power

x=4  ; Custom 

Please note : 

1. There is no downtime for this change
2. Above command will change the current policy for all esxi host. In case, you need to change the power policy for single host then follow below command 

#Start here

$view = (Get-VMHost -Name | Get-View)
(Get-View $view.ConfigManager.PowerSystem).ConfigurePowerPolicy(x) 

#End here

We just mentioned the host name in above command. You can use below command to cross check the current setting in all esxi hosts.

#Start here

Get-VMHost | Select Name, @{N='Current Policy';E={$_.ExtensionData.Hardware.CpuPowerManagementInfo.CurrentPolicy}} 

#End here


Thank you,





ESXi | Error while backing up Configuration of ESXi host

This time I got a problem with ESXi host where team was getting and "Internal Server Error" while taking the backup of configuration of ESXi host.

I checked and found that on that host folder "Downloads" was not there in Scratch partition. I simply SSH the host and created the folder with command "mkdir downloads" in scratch partition and taken the backup with below Powershell command successfully.

#Start here

$folder = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "D:\Host configuration\$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))" -Force

Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostFirmware -BackupConfiguration -DestinationPath $folder

#End here

Thank you,
Team vCloudNotes